Education Workshop on Grant Writing
How: Please email coordinator, Lisa Ganser, with your name and your rank (graduate student, post doc, junior faculty). The email link should include the subject heading SESDB Education Workshop.
When: Thursday, May 18 from 3-6pm in CL 1008
Who should participate: Graduate students or post-docs submitting fellowships (K and F) and Junior faculty submitting everything else (R style grants).
How should I prepare: Have specific Aims in mind—something written is best. We can also work on grants turned down, so bring Summary Statements.
What to expect: 1) SHORT intro to how NIH is structured (Institutes, mission, study sections, etc), 2) Understanding how grants are scored, 3) How to write your Specific Aims page.
Dr. King will lead an intense three-hour workshop. Participants will be interacting with each other and actively discussing their research ideas and Aims.